Project Description

Blacktown Bus Layover

NW Tway, Sunnyholt Rd, Blacktown

Contract Value:

Contract Time Frame:
August 2022 – July 2023

Client Name:
Transport for NSW

Project Description:
Construction of bus layover facility with drivers amenities building to provide additional capacity at the Blacktown Bus Interchange. Civil works included bulk earthworks, removal of contaminated materials, stormwater drainage, rigid and flexible road pavements, streetlighting, water main and sewer relocation, Telstra / NBN / TPG relocation, Endeavour Energy relocation, sandstone and concrete retaining walls, kerb & gutter, footpath pavements, landscaping, signage and linemarking. Building works included architecturally clad blockwork structure with male / female toilets, new electrical / NBN / sewer / potable water supply, kitchenette, mechanical ventilation, CCTV, CBUS & solar system.